fruit of any of several trees belonging to the rose family, it is very sweet.
the fruit iself. itself.sugarplum.
a raisin, as in a cake or a pudding pudding.
a deep purple varying from bluish to reddish.
informal: an extremely desirable thing thing.*he calls me plum (this is according to him) because first of all, plum is my favorite color. He finds me extremely desirable and sweet like a raisin, a cake, a pudding, everything sweet. :P plus, the color of my hair is also plum. HAHAHAHA.
a young/baby of a certain animal, like a lion
the young of a certain animal, like a lion.
*actually i used to call him LION CUB but i thought it was really long so i settled to just calling him cub instead of lion cub. hihihi.^^ i first called him that when i realized that he was not the same person that he was before he met me. He used to be a really wild guy (like a lion) who's very hard to make friends with (or to tame. hahahaha), and yeah and he used to be a heart-breaker. but that changed when he met me and i introduced him to Jesus.. he transformed from a wild lion into a cute little cub....^^ awww...
i like the fact that we dont call each other babe, bhe, langga, pangga, mahal, sweety, honey, sugar, tart, asawa, bana, hubby, wifey etc. i just love it that you call me PLUM and i call you CUB.. not because it's only us who call each other that, but because of the reasons behind it.. haaa...
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