before you watch this: please pause the song that's playing at the bottom of this page first.
so i made this video for my boyfriend whom i really really love..^^ we've been together for 1 year and 6 months now and nuthin's changed.. :> we're still super inlove and we never ever get tired of each other. seeing him everyday at school is just the beeeeeeeeeeest.. i love the feeling of walking from the other side of the road towards the gate knowing that he is there waiting for me, ready to accompany me to my room, then whispers "i love you forever baby" then leaves..^^ (that's just the icing on the top of the cake i tell ya). then after class he waits for me outside, then accompanies me home and why? because he just wants me safe everyday! :D
man it feels great to be loved by him and be taken care of, not even a little mosquitoe can come near to hurt me plus, he's just the sweetest. he's the best boyfriend ever that's why i made him this video. I actually made this 5 or 6 months ago. :>

man it feels great to be loved by him and be taken care of, not even a little mosquitoe can come near to hurt me plus, he's just the sweetest. he's the best boyfriend ever that's why i made him this video. I actually made this 5 or 6 months ago. :>
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