everytime i remember hershey i really cant help but smile.. :> Hershey, by the way is a cat. She's not some ordinary cat that you just see everywhere, in a way she's kinda strange. Her left eye is green and right blue. aint that rad? aaaah, hershey.. you can never ever touch her, or even come near her. She's like a hermit crab --- so hard to catch and see it's real appearance or what's really inside that tiny lil' cat, hiding in some sort of coconut tree, only a lot bigger and has no coconut shells. whatever. hahaha. hershey's a wild cat. (she lives in the hills.) Everytime we're eating, she comes near the kitchen, hiding and peeping and waiting for some blessings. HAHAHA. luckily i managed to get a picture of her from a distance. Thanks to the power of zooming. nyahihahiha. I l o v e y o u h e r s h e y. :>
she is so gonna get it when i get there... ^^ joke.. ^^